Pro-Intersectional Veganism and Rejecting Anonymous for the Voiceless

Zoe Smith - Writer Discussions of intersectionality within the vegan movement have been ongoing over the past several decades, since the conception of the term by Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1991. A recent video shared by Anonymous for the Voiceless (AV) is an example how the debate on including intersectionality as a critical insight in the movement remains a controversial one. The video on their Instagram, titled 'The Truly Inclusive Vegan Movement Animals Need', features a discussion including Paul Bashir, the cofounder and director of AV. The video and accompanying caption reject the inclusion of ‘political issues’ within their movement and the animal rights movement more broadly, calling for "feminists marching alongside men's rights activists, marching alongside Green Party supporters, marching alongside Trump supporters" in support of animal rights. AV is an animal rights organisation that opts for street activism through ‘The Cube of Truth’, a form of outreach ...