Remember Remember the 3rd December: The Aftermath
Lily Frost - Writer Editor's Note - This the second past in Frost's series on the Bhopal disaster - read the first part here . This is the second article of a series where I aim to outline the events that took place on and after the 2nd December 1984, which is now referred to as the Bhopal Disaster. This second segment is dedicated to the immediate aftermath of the gas leak. As soon as the 45 tonnes of gas was released into the air, the highly toxic substance made its way into and around small towns located near the plant. The gas was released during the night, so those who were woken up by symptoms of coughing, severe eye irritation,breathlessness, stomach pains and vomiting fled away from the plant. Children inhaled more gas, as they were closer to the ground where there was a higher concentration of the chemical. This is because Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) is almost twice as dense as air and therefore falls to the ground. The victims at this stage primarily died of chokin